Friday, 3 March 2017

My Aspirations are given below what are yours???

My Aspiration for my world.

“My Aspirations for my world”, what does this topic actually mean and what is the purpose of this topic? Aspiration means hopes or desires to improve or change an action. In this topic, it means to change our world and the purpose is to look at the different ways of thinking out solutions to make this world a better place. These aspirations are strong enough to change the present world which is violent, quarantine and exposed to many diseases to a peaceful, safe, clean and healthy world. If the people’s way of thinking develops it is of higher chance of making this world a beautiful place.

From the Greek philosophers to the famous scientists of history like Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla and Thomas Edison, new ideas were developed, new theories have been made, for example: Isaac Newton discovered gravity and Stephen Hawking discovered “The Black Hole Theory” and many more discoveries have been perceived. But many alternatives have also been made. Some are very beneficial for the society whereas some are very destructive and can cause many deaths. These alternatives have been used by many rulers, soldiers, corporals, etc. They have been used for destruction and domination over countries and kingdoms. The world has faced many wars like the World War One and the World War Two. So, my first aspire is to change the way of thinking. Their way of thinking has brought many flaws in this world. Animals have been tamed and poached for their skin, meat and fur. Trees are being cut for furniture like chairs and tables and they have been used for building bungalows and houses. The importance of one tree is not understood by them and they do not realize that this is a big disadvantage for them. The value of 280 pounds of oxygen found in trees are not recognized by them. And we humans use around 550 pound of oxygen. So, we have to stop cutting trees and start planting more.

Secondly, I would make initiatives and    programs about conserving natural resources. These resources include coal, Petroleum, energy forms like nuclear energy and solar energy, water, etc. These are one of the most precious thing that we use in our daily life. We should learn sustainable development i.e. an initiative taken to conserve natural resources for future use during calamities or scarcity of resources in the future. Let us take the example of water. It is scientifically proved that out of 78% of water in the world and only 1% of fresh water is barely available. It is our duty to preserve this 1% of fresh water.

Thirdly, I would insist various automobile industries to introduce eco-friendly vehicles. This would benefit the environment and the rate of diseases would decrease. Also, I would insist the government to introduce more public transportation vehicles. This can overall decrease the rate of pollution up to 98%. So, instead of going to office in your cars, you can use the bus or tram. Even you can cycle to office, this would be a good exercise!

Therefore, I conclude that these steps can change the present world into a beautiful place. It is you and the people who should change. Just these little steps can make a huge difference! These are my aspirations and the steps I would take to make the world a better place.
-Mukund Deepak